5 Key Steps to Creating an Agile Organization

Agile practises are becoming increasingly common as there are many benefits attached to working in an agile way. A series of organizations have jumped on the bandwagon to enjoy the profits of increased flexibility, quicker turnover times at a lower risk. Creating a collaborative and adaptable workplace however does have it’s risks and I will be exploring the pros and cons of creating an agile environment for an organization.

Agile organizations are known to recognize patterns of changing information and trends, and respond to these changes in a quick and effective direction. Staff equally should be equipped with the necessary skills and tools to thrive in this forever changing digital world. But what are the challenges attached to this?

  • Changing from hierarchical and controlled to flat and collaborative
  • Overcoming the notion that ‘Agile is Fragile’ and realising that being Agile enables sustainability
  • Identifying which elements of an organization need to meet an Agile transformation

Taking into consideration the key challenges, we can see that the benefits outweigh the potential issues, in fact, most people agree that we’re in a fast-paced, agile working world, so why wouldn’t we want to adapt? 

Having the influence to make any organizational change can be a challenging one, but when you pose the question as to “why?” you start to overcover the benefits or a large scale. Transformation is not easy, so the first step is to establish the reasons behind change we can start to make them.

The second step is to make sure you have the right team behind you, as obvious as it sounds, this is where Agile transformation has known to crumble. With the right resources, including money and time, you are likely to make a difference, build trust and shared commitments to insure you have the right team to inspire change.

Step three is to inspire. Arguably the most challenging step to take, but if you’ve completed steps one and two properly, you will have the right impact and influence. All goals must be mapped back to the required business outcomes, so making the association is important. An Agile organization has many benefits so be sure to include the following:

  • More Control: The regularity of meetings create a transparent workflow so all members of the team can stay up to date with each others progress, productivity and challenges.
  • Higher productivity: Agile methodologies ensure projects and completed in shorter time-frames making them more manageable.
  • Better quality: The flexibility of an Agile workforce allows project teams to respond to customer reaction and constantly improve. Creating a higher customer satisfaction.
  • Higher ROI (Return on Investment): The end product would be ready for market faster and the workflow is designed to meet the end goal, cut costs whilst increasing quality and satisfaction.

With the above in mind, we can increase collaboration, which is our fourth step. Planning with your team an by creating self-sustaining teams (where you would effectively act as a mentor, rather than a micro-manager) your give people the authority to manage their part of a project, increasing the benefits of teamwork.

The final step is to review and adjust. By taking on board feedback and fuelling opportunity we’re able to continuously learn and adjust and as a project progresses. This can be self-adhering if you ask yourself and your team “How can we improve the product, the process, collaboration and communication?” 

With these helpful handful of suggestions, I hope you are able to enable a working, Agile organization.

57 thoughts on “5 Key Steps to Creating an Agile Organization

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